i'm not the jesus of suburbia / i'm not the enemy / my name is jake eagle / the victor of society!

Jake Eagle @mega48man

Age 31, Male

Lahser High School

Joined on 11/5/07

Exp Points:
1,259 / 1,350
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5.33 votes
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alex-shelly just spammed u!!! if u go to his account u will see what i mean!!!

not only did HE (you know why) spam me, but his profile picture breaks some of the newgrounds rules. and thanks for telling me about him, he's technically a spammer.

i hate spammrs get them off ng!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


oh oh oh put me on that list I submit lots of teh spam!!!!!!!

A petition against the spam? Hmm. I tried that about a year ago, then I opened up my mind, watched a few of the spam movies without seriousness and found that I hated them less than I thought. I also came to like some of the spammers on the BBS. So yeah, I can see where you're coming from, but maybe you should try getting to know some of these guys, they're actually pretty cool dudes.

well, i just don't find loop flashes of dicks floating in circles that have backgrounds which actually have given me a seizure "pretty cool". but i'm glad to see you're aware of that spam, great to hear someone out there understands

username associated with some completely forgotten video game character... check
"i is pr0ud tah bee an americon" all over the place... check
wall of text... check
nerd hate ... check
Age/Gender: 15, Male... check
conclusion : nerd seeking attention

i don't want attention god dammit, i want people to read this and walk away with a good piece of mind. and since when do i talk 'e1ite sp3ak'? i only say 'proud to be an american' once and what's wrong with being american? are you racist or something?

i go on your page to see just what about makes you so high and mighty you get boss other people around, turns out, you're just some kid who sits at home and does nothing all day. hey, at least i have balls to go out and try to fix my problems. now get up of your ass and get back in school, your parents might not give a shit about you, but the economy needs educated people in the workforce right now, so hurry up.

fuk u fanboy attention whore go die in a fire

whoa whoa whooooa, fanboy? attention whore? i don't think so. to anyone who's reading, here's a good example of how spammers are made. SpankyMgee (wtf kinda name is that?) thinks that from reading my post that i'm a fanboy attention whore. now just where in my post do i mention anything related to that topic? apparently, Spanky here was too lazy to read the whole post and comprehend it, a sign of ignorance and immaturity (no offense).