sorry chum
i see you put a ton of work into it, the whole "evolution revolution" really grabbed me and sucked me in. the evolution path and awesome soundtrack was pretty sweet to, and the visuals looked fantastic, but as a game, i felt it was lacking fun, at least for a while.
top down shooters aren't as fun if it's auto-fire, at least make auto-fire an unlockable or cheat. the procedurally generated enemies are nice, but there's no fun it's predictable from the very start. learning which ways the ships go through experience is much more fun, it gives a challenge to the game and it's much more engaging for the player.
however, it got a lot more fun once dogging bullets becomes the primary concern over blasting baddies. and beating the first mini-boss is quite satisfying. but what was that about secondary fire increased? is there a second weapon i don't know about? a tutorial or button map for these things would be nice to.
so i'm not saying it's a bad game, i'm just thrown off by how non-traditional it is. take raidenx for example, in my opinion it is one of the greatest top-down jet fighter flash games of all time (and i have beaten it, the ending is so glorious and satisfying). raidenx should be used as a template for future top-down shooter games.