genaric anime done right!
wow! i have to imagine that there was a lot of work put into this flash. the 3D effects (i know there's a program for that though) storyline, voice acting, great work there. the only thing i can really bitch about would have to be the one thing everyone bitches about when they complain about anime...script and voice acting. sure, you have several different voice actors working here, but the script is just as bad as it was in Devil May Cry 4: "you sure can hide pretty good but that smell...woo!...there's no hiding that!" plus, the voice acting itself could use a bit more enthusiam. and for just for good measure, i'm going to throw out something every person who watches anime wants...voice actors who don't just read the script, no matter how bad it is, but put some extremely good acting behind it. another thing that wasn't all too bad but still there was the lag. in some parts, the flash seemed to freeze and then start up again after a second, but in a different frame. i know everyone's seen it happen, but of course, it happens because of how much effort's being put into the flash, which no one can blame you for.
we give GunChest Episode 02_02 four memory chips "burn them all!" out of five
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